Fletcher Smith from "Hope Is Here!" Stars as VI-EPSCoR Celebrity Scientist Program

Biologist Fletcher Smith lead scientist in the whimbrel tracking project on St. Croix, and whose work inspired our book Hope is Here! by Cristina Kessler (illustrations by Marcos Castillo), visited the Virgin Islands in March of 2016.

Invited by the University of the Virgin Islands’ Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (VI-EPSCoR) as Celebrity Scientist, Fletcher did not waste time, leading bird watching trips, and speaking at schools in St. John, St. Croix and St. Thomas.  The book is well known to most students having received it as a gift as part of the Holiday Book Project created by Cecile Galiber deJongh during her years as First Lady of the US Virgin Islands (2007-2014).  Author Cristina Kessler was instrumental in Fletcher’s visit and accompanied the scientist during the 5 day visit, speaking about her book, and inspiring future writers, as Fletcher inspired future scientists.

Mario Picayo